24/12/2020 v0.12.0
Beta release is live!

8 months since the Alpha launched, it's Beta time! Game accounts have been reset.

As per the last news item, it has been an incredibly long journey to get to this point and for the first time I will be actively publicising the game. I'm hoping that people will like it and I will gain some support to keep this project going - fingers crossed!

Other noteworthy changes since v0.11.12:

  • Can now activate a player account via a link in the email which pre-fills the code
  • Minor T&Cs and privacy policy update

22/12/2020 v0.11.12
Incoming Beta Release!

I'm currently preparing for the beta release which I am hoping to do before Christmas. For the Beta, the game will also be reset but the existing accounts will remain to save people having to sign up again.

It has been an incredibly long journey to get to this point and for the first time I will be actively publicising the game. I'm hoping that people will like it and I will gain some support to keep this project going /crosses fingers!

Other noteworthy changes since v0.11.6:

  • Added screenshots button/graphic on the home page
  • Re-worked device responsiveness on homepage
  • Separated out login form
  • Updated login background and header text, readying for Beta
  • Minor UI forum tweaks to improve consistency with the rest of the game
  • Can no longer travel in a broken car! (Except to the repair shop)

01/12/2020 v0.11.6
New Road Rally Special Stage!

Following on from the last update, a new special event has been added - the Road Rally Special Stage. Originally I had intended there to be a set of new restriction types for this new special event, however on the realisation that this will take quite a bit more work than I'd hoped, on top of a lot of other changes already made, I've taken the decision to implement these at a later stage. In the meanwhile I wanted to add this new content whilst preparing for the Beta release of the game.

Other noteworthy changes since v0.11.2:

  • Various bug fixes and updates relating to the below
  • Began adding a lot of infrastructure for more granular race restrictions

23/11/2020 v0.11.2
Introducing Special Events!

The latest update sees the introduction of special events. These are random events that will take place typically every other day and are designed to provide a bit of variety and encourage more exploration in the cars in the game.

Initially there are only drag racing events, but other events are planned to come in a very near future! These drag racing events replace those in the standard class base races.

Other noteworthy changes since v0.9.8:

  • Fixed error when selling car which has previously been raced
  • Fixed possible bug where more than one race was scheduled per race series
  • Significant re-working behind the scenes to allow for greater scope for races in the future
  • Moved the 'support site' text in the privacy policy to avoid confusion!
  • Fixed default advanced join for single races not appearing on mobile
  • Updated terms and conditions to reflect privacy policy
  • Added privacy policy
  • Fixed most common cars never appearing in classifieds and the rarest being less likely to appear
  • Added advanced race join to the single race view page
  • Uncompetitive warning now appears for advanced join which is now also the default
  • Various tweaks to modal CTAs to make them a little more consistent
  • Minor wrenchy fix

28/07/2020 v0.9.8
New track - Snickerton!

Noteworthy changes since v0.9.1:

  • New track - Snickerton! Implemented into rotations for single races and other places
  • Wrenchy now follows your finger on touchscreen devices!
  • Green tick not being green on Safari/some Chrome browsers when viewing installed upgrades
  • Overtime 'Use' link is now easier to press
  • Various other miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks

13/07/2020 v0.9.1
Wrenchy, your personal buddy!

Well literally no one asked for it but everyone likes anthropomorphised things right? Paperclips especially I'm lead to believe. So introducing your personal MotorNation buddy - Wrenchy. Here to provide top tips and annoyance in equal measure!

Tap on him to get in game help and otherwise his thoughts on the page in question...

Changes since v0.8.28:

  • Implemented Wrenchy, the MotorNation assistant!

29/06/2020 v0.8.28
Minor Game Update

Changes since v0.8.26:

  • Added news section and latest news to front page
  • Significant changes to home page and removal of right hand column in public desktop view
  • Head to head: Improved labels for difficulty
  • And more...

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Copyright © 2025 Andrew Taylor
In memory of Grandad